What attendees had to say about the Future Fleet Forum
“A thoroughly enjoyable, very well organised event, that is clearly gaining momentum and interest with each year.”
“Excellent, as a first time attendee I was really impressed with the event; the speakers were great and the location was ideal.”
“Great knowledge sharing event with the chance to share best practices regarding the most relevant topics that are effecting every one who has a fleet to run.”
“An excellent overview of progress to date for alternatively fueled vehicles in the public sector”.
“Very interesting coverage on a global scale of all the current and future transport topics.”
“Excellent event, well organised, great presentations combined with an engaged and high-level audience.”
“Good forum that built on the success of the previous year.”
“Great opportunity to understand emerging issues Local Authorities are dealing with.”
“An inspiring environment where you can network and are able to get the latest information that is important for our market.”
“Fantastic networking, excellent presentations and very interesting throughout.”
"I've attended every Future Fleet Forum. The conference has improved year on year. This is now a premium networking event"
"Excellent event that gives us a great opportunity to network and learn from colleagues from a Fleet environment in cities all over the world"
An excellent event for CMS and I gained good quality leads. A mixture of both Local Authorities and construction companies from Transport and Logistics."