Speaker : Ann Marie Knegt

Ann-Marie Knegt, Managing Editor Local Authority Plant and Vehicles and organiser of The Future Fleet Forum
She has turned her titles into market-leading publications with global social media presence over the last 15 years. Ann-Marie launched the successful Future Fleet Forum. Held in the Guildhall in London, this forum aims to improve fleet management standards in local government and emergency services fleet in partnership with the City of London and the City of New York and CILT, and has been involved in the organisation of several other events including the PPE: Duty of Care Forum in 2016. Ann-Marie also launched the Future Fleet Awards, which recognise the best in public sector fleet management
She also heads up the Future Fleet Procurement Working Group, and industry working group, which is developing a code of conduct for the procurement of fleet in government organisations. Ann-Marie has an expansive knowledge of firefighting practice worldwide and is also a six-time judge member for the International Firefighting Team of the Year Award, (Conrad Dietrich Magirus Award).